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Here is a picture of the very inexpensive table coverings we used at my daughter's wedding reception. The bottom coverings were only $1/each from Dollar Tree and the top were lace tablecloths from Dollar General Store purchased for $5 each.
By Robin
Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.
What can I use to make cheap tablecloths for the banquet tables for my wedding reception. Because renting them is kind of high and we are on a budget!
Contact some food buying clubs such as Sam's Club or Costco. I know you can purchase a box of plastic sheeting which comes on a roll. Restaurants buy industrial sized rolls of plastic wrap, aluminum foil, and plastic table cloths. You use it once, then throw it away.
That would be cheaper for you then to make your own table cloths.
Marge from NY
Party supply stores like Party City and Occasions have pretty but inexpensive tablecloths, paper plates, etc.... Also inexpensive serving pieces. Here's another idea: ask your friends if you can borrow things. That's what one of my friends did. We even picked flowers from the roadside to decorate the tables. Needless to say nothing matched but everyone thought it was charming. This was 35 years ago and my friend is now a millionaire many times over but she still thinks her "mismatched" wedding was the most beautiful ever and so does everyone else who was there -- because it was full of her friends' love.
On second thought, why don't you shop at Dollar Tree or one of the other dollar stores. It would be cheaper than Sam's Club or Costco because you wouldn't get stuck with the left over plastic sheeting.
I've seen the plastic tablecloths in Dollar Tree, so if you had a total of 20 tables, it would cost you $20.00 + tax.
You can get them for 3 to 4 dollars each at Wal Mart, in several color choices.
After the wedding, they can be recycled as curtains - just buy the curtain rings with clips on the bottom.
You can either hem the sheets, or just turn over the excess on the top to make sort of a valance.
We went to Dollar Tree and purchased plastic tablecloths in the perfect color for our daughter's wedding. They looked very nice and they were only $1 each.
Go to the clearance fabric area in your local Walmart or other store, most have areas where fabirc is $1-2 per yard. I have used various coordinating fabric for table coverings for reception before.
I do like the fabric idea. afterwards you could do some sewings and maybe make some clothing or pillows, etc from the material
Look at Wal-Mart in the party section. They have vinyl tablecloths for $1 in every color imaginable.