Buying a Used Wedding DressThis is a page about buying a used wedding dress. For the bride on a budget a used wedding dress option allows for buying the perfect dress for less.
Sewing A Wedding GownSewing a wedding gown can be done. It does help if you have some experience and training, especially if the gown is intricate in its design. Try to find a pattern that appeals or combine a couple to get the look you like.
What To Wear for a Second Marriage?There are some typical recommendations for what a bride should wear for a second marriage. Tradition usually moves away from white to ivory or beige dresses that range from formal to more of a suit. But keep in mind it is your day and dressing as you wish is equally important. This page offers a range of suggestions.
Embellishing a Wedding Gown?Embellishing a plain wedding dress may be one way to save money or personalize the gown. Embellishments can be purchased from your local fabric/craft store. If you are not an experienced seamstress or crafter you may want to seek advice and help before you begin.
Masking Stains on a Wedding GownBetween the wedding and the reception it is not unusual for a wedding dress to get stained along the bottom or elsewhere. One trick is to have a tube of plain white toothpaste handy. Learn how to mask stains on a wedding dress.
Altering A Wedding DressWhile altering a wedding dress that you are buying new is a common event, this page directs its attention to altering hand me down wedding dresses. In that situation you will be dealing with a variety of issues, such as style, color, age, and more. Each of these calls for its own solution. A passed down dress if altered properly is well worth the investment of time and money.
Wedding Dress Tips and TricksThe wedding dress can be one of the more expensive budget items when planning a wedding and will require special care for cleaning, alterations and storage. The experiences of former brides can help you manage any unexpected challenges with your wedding dress.
Wearing Jeans and Boots at WeddingThis is a page about wearing jeans and boots at wedding. A couple can define the attire of their wedding party, whether it be formal or very casual.
Why Do We Keep Our Wedding Dresses?This is a page about "Why do we keep our wedding dresses?". Brides have traditionally kept their wedding dresses, but have you ever wondered where this practice began and why?
Making a Wedding VeilThis is a page about making a wedding veil. Making your own wedding veil can save you money and also allow you to have a unique accessory to your gown.
Buying a Wedding Dress OnlineThis is a page about buying a wedding dress online. You may save time and money shopping for your wedding dress online, but there are many things to consider.
Saving Money on Bridesmaid DressesThis is a page about saving money on bridesmaid dresses. It is an honor to be ask to be a bridesmaid. Most of the time it is your responsibly to buy your own dress, which be make it an expensive commitment.
Making Homemade Bridesmaids DressesThis is a page about making homemade bridesmaids dresses. If you can't find the right bridesmaid dress, one option is to make your own. A homemade bridesmaid dress gives you the ability to have a custom fit and can save you money.
Saving Money on a Wedding DressThis page is about saving money on a wedding dress. Every woman wants to look beautiful on their wedding day. Finding the perfect wedding dress can be time consuming and expensive. There are many ways you can save money on a wedding dress.
What Do You Think of This Wedding Dress?Can you tell me what you think of this dress?
Wedding Wrap Pattern?I need a little help in finding a pattern for a plus size (3x or 4x) White Wedding Wrap, the kind that you wear around your shoulders with a sleeveless Wedding Dress. It appears simple to make but I'm not sure how or where to start.
Makeup Stain on Wedding Dress?After advice from the wedding shop, I used a baby wipe to remove make up from a wedding dress. I am now left with a water mark and due to wear the dress on october 1st. Any tips on how to remove the water mark?
Embroidering a Wedding VeilTo make a beautiful "embroidered" wedding veil that isn't expensive, do the following: Make a basic veil out of tulle. Draw a basic design on the veil using permanent marker. Use embroidery floss (all strands) and a narrow embroidery needle to sew the pattern onto the veil.
Wedding and Bridesmaids Dresses on a BudgetThese bridesmaid dresses were made by my daughter's mother in-law for no charge. The total cost of each of them was about $50. That is buying material that was NOT on sale.
Little Girl's Wedding DressMy previous entry was about my daughter's wedding dress. This one is about my 5 year old granddaughter's wedding dress. LOL! She wanted a wedding dress too because her aunt was getting one.
Buying a Wedding Dress Online?I found a wedding dress at I think it is beautiful, but I need some suggestions .See this wedding dress:
Wedding Party Wearing Jeans, Dress Shirts and Boots?Would it be tacky if my wedding party wore blue jeans, a dress shirt and boots? While I am in my wedding dress and boots, my groom will be wearing blue jeans boots and a white pearl snap shirt.
Inexpensive Bridesmaid Dresses?Seeing as we are already on a tight budget for the wedding and not a lot of time I was wondering where would be a great place to get cheap bridesmaids dresses or if anyone knows where I can get gently used bridesmaids dresses.
Adding Embellishments to a Plain Wedding Gown?I recently bought a plain wedding dress. In an attempt to save money, I am interested in adding jewels to it myself to make it a bit more glamorous.
Shopping for a Wedding Dress Online?I was looking for the, but I cannot find it anywhere online any more. I tried to call their phone number, but another company is answering it now. Does anyone know if they changed their name, and how I can still get a hold of them?
Why Do We Keep Our Wedding Dresses?I have a question. Why do you keep your wedding dress? What is the purpose? because we are supposed to? I have mine, will never wear it again and I know no one else will. Why do I have it? Why do you still have yours? Thanks>