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If you want a professional photographer at your wedding but can't afford one, contact a local university's photography department for a starving student who might do it for less. Also you might persuade that student, or another beginning photographer to take the pictures but give you the negatives, or images on a disk, if digital. You have them developed at a later date when you have more money. You pay the photographer for his time, but not the prints. A well established photographer is NOT going to go for this, but a beginning photographer might be willing.
By Mom from Huntsville, TX
Want a good musician but worry about costs? Check out a local college music scene.
I played weddings as a flute/music education major in college. I did it for much cheaper than what anybody else out there was quoting, sometimes I even did it for free. I was happy just to get a decent meal outside of the dorms!
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I am looking for a student photographer for a small budget wedding. I cannot pay more than $75.00 an hour. They will be needed for 5 hours on October 11, 2020 and this will be for digital load only, no frames or paper photos. You can contact me through this site.
I would advertise at some of the local colleges in your area to start ff with. You can also put in an ad on Craigslist or even on Facebook. I am not sure where you are living so this will determine how you will advertise for your photographer.
Blessings to to the couple!
It may be a bit unconventional, but have you thought about just asking a few select friends to use their digital cameras and take photos for you as their gift? You could give each one an assignment and then they can take photos and drop them on the cloud for you to do with you like with them.
My wedding was a long time ago back when it was still film and we hired a professional, but some of the best photos were the ones that came from the table cameras we had on each table--back then disposable film cameras that we took to the drug store to have developed.
If I had to do it over, I would go with the friends and family option only! It just works for many people!! You could even have someone do videos that way also!
Blessings and prayers for joy!