My heart is carefree and singing these days. I can see the color white and not break out in a cold sweat and I can look at the engagement section of the local paper and not have my stomach do a roll. This year, we have no weddings in our family. Really! Last year, we had 3 daughters' weddings in 13 months. Plus graduations! A tip? Some advice? Don't obsess over stuff - at the end of the day, they will be married.
Even if you forget some of the cake decorations (I did). Even if your stomach-suckerinner rolls up your thighs into your groin (mine did). And even if you feel like you are wearing your insides on the outside (mine were). Listen lots and speak seldom. And remember, it's just a white dress - a very expensive white dress.
One of my daughters, the last one who had seen the craziness, bought her's at a Goodwill and got the same one her sister almost got. At David's, it was over $600 and she paid $69 for it! She had it cleaned and altered, all for about $200. A not so expensive white dress! You might find one that fits and cut down the cost even further.
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